Waxaa lagu Midoobaa Mabda' iyo Himilo. Qudus waa ku midaysanahay dhamaan.
Waxaa si habsami leh uga socda Muqdisho, caasimadda Somaliya tartankii labaad ee taxanaha ahaa ay ku loolamayeen maamul gobolada Somaaliyeed. Tartankan oo si quruxbadan loo maamulayo dowlad iyo gobolka Banaadir oo marti loo yahayba. In...
Khabiir ka socda shirkada dhismaha garoomada kubada cagta oo daggan dalka Holland
Greenfield ayaa soo gaaray magaalada Muqdisho si uu u goglo cowska garoonka oo uu
ku socdo dhisme lagu maal gelinayo mashruuca FIFA ee (WIN IN AFRICA WITH...
Waxaa maalinkii sabtida ee 29-bishaan ka dhacay hall-ka shirarka ee maqaayada hilaac
ee magaalada Birmingham ee cariga Ingriiska kulan aad loo soo agaasimay oo looga
hadlayey kaalinta qurba jooga iyo arrimaha Soomaaliya, kulanka waxaa soo...
The varied cultural life of the Somali includes both traditional activities and,
especially in the towns, many modern interests. Cultural activities primarily consist of poetry, folk dancing, the performance of
plays, and singing. These...
Somalia is a country located in the Horn of Africa. It is bordered by Djibouti to the northwest, Kenya on its southwest, the Gulf of Aden with Yemen on its north, the Indian Ocean at its east, and Ethiopia to the west. Football was introduced to...
Soonku waa bisha Sagaalaad ee calendar-ka Islamka, Wuxuuna
ka mid yahay shanta tiir ee Islamka asagoo kaga jira kaalinta Afaraad. Soonku luqad
ahaan waa in wax laga reebtoonaado oo aan la sameyn. Sharciga Islaamkana soonku
waa in laga af...
Isboortigu wuxuu qayb ka qaadan karaa horumarinta tayada nolosha qofka ama bulshadda.
Isboortigu wuxuu kaalmeeyaa is-fahamka, iyo dulqaadka, wuxuu ka hortagaa xanuunadda
bulshadda sida mukhadaraadka, qaadka iyo is kala ficilka oo maanta dhib...
Sixteen-year-old Somalia-born schoolboy Abdul Abubakar took first prize at the finals
of the 19th European Union Contest for Young Scientists in Valencia last week.
Sakaatul Fidrigu Waa Cibaado ilaahay loogu dhawaanayo waxayna la xidhidhaa Soonka.
Soonka oo Ajarkiisa ilaahay yiri “Soonka anigaa iska leh anigaana ka abaal
marinaya Adoomaha dartey u soomey”. Zakaatul fidriga bixinteeda waxaa la...
Isboort(sport) waxaa lagu micneeyaa ku tartan xirfad ama awood jireed oo leh sharci
iyo xeer. Isboorti waxaa badi lagu nisbeeyaa looltan ama tartan u dhexeeyaa laba
dhinac oo lagu tartamayo awood jireed iyo xeelad lana tiigsanayo guul, oo...
Foreign relations characterized by tension with neighboring states and economic
dependence on aid from Arab and Western nations. Relations with neighboring states
gradually improved as irredentist claims dating from Ogaden War period...
Politics was at once the Somalis' most practiced art and favorite sport. The most
desired possession of most nomads was a radio, which was used to keep informed on
political news. The level of political participation often surpassed that in...
Firm evidence for the history of the Somali people dates back to only about AD 1000.
There are folk genealogies tracing certain Somali clans to the Arabian Peninsula
and associating their ancestors with the Sharifs, the family of prophet...
Lawlessness and clan warfare has been rife since a military government collapsed in 1991. UN estimates 1 million people have become refugees. Sadly, inter-clan tensions, radical socialism, rearmament by the USSR and the occasional (often...
Somaliland became British and Italian colonies in the 1880's, although it was ruled
solely by the British from 1941 to 1950. In 1960, Italian Somaliland and British
Somaliland were united to form an independent Somalia.
The rare findings and evidences of archeology, anthropology, historical linguistics,
and related disciplines have provided insights of the origins and evolution of the
Somali people. For example, where historians once believed that the...
The Somalis are most closely related to the Rendille and the Afar, and distantly
related to the Oromos, all Eastern Cushite peoples. Somalis are not a unitary people
group, but a grouping of broad clan federations divided by language and by...
Somalia, the Horn of Africa nation, is finally recovering from recent wars and famine.
The ancient land occupies an important geopolitical position between sub-Saharan
Africa and the countries of Arabia and south-western Asia. Somalis...
Basic details about Somalia